
Hi, my name is Vitolo. I am a Vaporist.

Please allow me to explain. I no longer combust anything at all.

After a prolonged coma, and the many years of rehab, there were many complications. Becoming a Medical Marijuana Patient was a no brainer. I have prepared, cooked with, made oils/tinctures and been medicated since for a long while. Since the coma in 2003, I stay medicated 24/7, and now I exclusively vaporize and eat my weed.

There are no “Tolerance Breaks” .. I don’t need them.

I get completely affected every time, and by every strain.

The best strains are all I see, and I use 1/4 of the amount of weed I did when I smoked….

I stay medicated longer and more intensely.

I never cough.

Nobody ever smells “weed”.

This is all accomplished because I vaporize my medication. I pass heat through the weed with various tools and devices, and inhale the vapors of the heating elements, and oils in the plant matter… which will not ever be burned. Marijuana burns at 420º but we vaporize at 350- 390.. so we leave behind some of the heavier cannabinoids that help with pain and sleep.  The herb looks brown and is dry when we are done, and we do not throw this away. The weed has Already Been Vaped , so we call it “ABV”.

After the MMJ has medicated us , in a fashion superior to smoking….

after we saved money, and used less weed to stay medicated longer…

we get to eat or make other preparations from our ABV!

Follow me, friends. I am going to lead you down the Vapor Trail!  

The following professionals in the Vaporizer Industry support MMJ Patients in Tucson!







A Survey

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